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African American History

Here is the issue.  People look at African American history as a separate history for American history. However, African American history is American history.  Our government legalized slavery. They did what they during the reconstruction era and the Jim Crow segregation.  We did that as a nation.  Our corporations did that. This is white history.  This shouldn’t be a suggestion but it should be mandatory for every child to learn African American history and what this country did.  Not just the good things like winning wars, red white and blue, apple pie and baseball.  We were and are a country of systemic racism that has kept minorities in a place of subjugation.  We did that.  Oh, we can deflect and say no one alive was a slave but that does not take way that there are people alive that remember segregation.  Their are people alive that remember Selma and Birmingham. They know what it is like to be called the N word for just trying to get equal rights.  That is our Country.  We need to own it, apologize for it, and FIX the problem.  We can not afford to keep sweeping this fact under the rug.