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Take a knee, America, Part 1

Let’s talk about this whole taking a knee thing. There are times when taking a knee is good. Traditionally, a person takes a knee when proposing to a future spouse as a show of adoration. People take a knee while praying to convey humility. Some people may take a knee when visiting the grave of a loved one because the bond between them still exists. Taking a knee can be a way of showing respect. Taking a knee is not always respectful, however. Taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem is considered to be disrespectful and unpatriotic because, apparently, allegiance and respect for the U.S.A is shown in the rising of the masses. What happens if respect for the Country is lacking? Respect is not organic. Respect must be earned. Give respect and get respect is how it works. It is hard to respect a Country that doesn’t respect its citizens, all of its citizens. People take a knee during the National Anthem because of the inequality of our justice system and the way our Government addresses race relations. This inequality is effecting our Country. Taking a knee during the National Anthem is a statement that this County needs to earn respect by doing more for all citizens. Do we rise in a form a forced patriotism and continue with the status quo or do we take a stance that demands positive change? That is what making America great is all about. We, as a Country, are only as strong as our weakest policies. It is time to take a knee, America.

Before I begin, please note, this is about racial equality and equal justice and not a political discussion about the left or the right. This is not a debate on capitalism verses socialism. It is about children being gunned down in the streets. It is about unequal protection under the law. It is about having two sets of core values: one that is inclusive and one that is exclusive. It is about you. It is about me. It is about being part of the United States of America where liberty and justice for all is part of our Pledge of Allegiance. Perhaps it is time that we did more than just give it lip service.