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Hello, Everyone

Welcome to the blog named “Call for Reparations” with the extended name as a “Call for Reparations and Equal Justice”. Let me introduce myself.  I live in Maryland but I was born and raised in Michigan, a northern state in the USA.   My heritage is Dutch and I am considered to be “white” when it comes to race.  My grandparents on both sides of my family immigrated from Holland. Over thirteen years ago, I married my husband and he owns my heart.  Of the many titles that we assign ourselves, he carries the title of “African American”.  A conversation on Reparations for Slavery was started at an annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland in 2017. At that time, I thought that I understood our Country’s history. I started to do research slavery and its cause and affect.  I  discovered that our text books have excluded several important parts. From what I have discovered, I believe we, as a Country, have an obligation to make reparations for our part in slavery and its continued PTSD on next generations. This does not mean that we associated the word reparations with money, shame, hate, or any other negative thing that could take away from justice and equality for all.  But it is meant to open our eyes the fact that we, as a Country, have a history that contains bad things as well as good things with the hope that we, as a Country, can heal these wounds and work for a more United States of America.  In this light, I am preparing to write a book on this subject. I will be sharing information that I am finding in my research on this blog. Next week I head to Birmingham, Montgomery, and Selma Alabama and will share pictures and items that I learn from this visit.  Stay tuned.